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Baby Emily’s Allergy Story

Emily was born a happy healthy baby and we tried our best to breastfeed, but Emily struggled to nurse.

I started pumping for her, I wasn’t able to produce her whole daily amount so we introduced a bottle of formula to relieve some pressure from myself. Within 2 days of starting formula Emily became a miserable inconsolable baby who started soiling up to 12 nappies a day. We spoke to the local feeding specialist and she suggested cutting dairy, so I did this and she made a huge improvement within a few weeks.

We thought everything had settled, but then I returned to work when Emily was 5 months old and I started eating a soya based product for lunch. When I got home from my first day with milk I’d expressed that day Emily had a severe reaction and we had to take her to A&E for steroids.

Weaning was another difficult time for us as we couldn’t pinpoint what was affecting her and medical staff were blaming us for not checking her foods correctly. After 4 miserable months we finally found the culprit, tomato and I stopped feeding her at 13 months and moved her onto oat milk, again an awful time as they were too rich for her little tummy. Further down the line Emily reacted to sorbitol and peanuts. Then came along Grow with Iris Emily loves this milk, it’s so naturally sweet.

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