Iron on patch: Got allergies NO apologies!

Iron on patch: Got allergies NO apologies!

Pay as you go

Iron on patch: Got allergies NO apologies! - £8.99

Customise school bags, epipen cases, hats, t-shirts, hoodies… it’s up to you!

With our easy-pea-sy iron on backing you can reinvent items in seconds!

Use fabric glue if you prefer.


Size: 50mm diameter

Postage included

Attitude, confidence and NO APOLOGIES!

Please don't eat me... iron me!

Be careful when handling a hot iron and do not leave it unattended or let children iron the patches.

Flourish Flourish

We are proudly FREE FROM

  • Milk
  • Lactose
  • Egg
  • Soya
  • Gluten
  • Peanuts
  • Tree nuts
  • Worry
  • Stress
  • Judgement